My commitment to students, parents, teachers, and Idaho, has grown and deepened because of my work in education at state and local levels, acquiring experience where it counts.

  • My Family

    We’re a fourth generation farm family. My Husband Dave and I live in Oakley where we raised our 4 kids. 3 are now married! We have 1 grandson and one on the way. We love to travel and watch movies!

    We enjoyed our kid’s activities while in school and loved traveling with them to games and meets. Our kids took full advantage of every opportunity, scholastically and athletically, available in a rural school setting.

  • Professional Work

    Public Information Officer - Cassia County School District

    Cassia Schools Substitute Teachers- 6 years

    Facilities Manager - Oakley Recreation District

    GED Instructor - College of Southern Idaho

    Oakley Valley Arts Council-President & Member

  • State Education Work

    Idaho State Board of Education - President & Member

    Reopening Idaho Schools -Chair

    Governor Little’s Education Task Force - Co-Chair

    Governor Little’s K-12 Council-Member

    State Technology Task Force - Co-Chair & Member

    Governor Otter’s Education Task Force - Co-Chair

    State Dual Credit Task Force - Member

  • Elected Positions

    Trustee - Cassia County School Board

    Precinct Committee Person - Cassia County Republican Party

    Library Trustee - City of Oakley

    Cassia Republican Committee- State Committeewoman and Secretary

Over the last year…

Two of the things that make me most proud in the last year are chairing the statewide committee to get schools reopened, with a priority of in person instruction. And then working to get parents and spectators safely into gyms and on the field.

Over the last seven years, I have been an appointed member of the Idaho Board of Education, serving the most recent two years as president. As a Board of Education member, I led the change to remove required high-stakes testing for high school students. I guided efforts to develop the Idaho accountability plan that includes emphasis on reading and math in the lower grades and workforce readiness in high school. I helped develop an alternate pathway to certify teachers to encourage talented business professionals and others to enter the classroom. I was a member of the Governor's K-12 Education Council. I focused on school readiness, literacy, behavioral needs for students, and a more precise alignment of state and district goals. As a co-chair for Governor Little's Education Task Force, I led a statewide discussion about how we drive literacy. I have championed career technical pathways for High School students, worked on a review of graduation requirements, which included a financial literacy component. In my local school district, I developed a behavioral health program designed to point parents to resources to help their students outside of the school system.

I have created relationships with business and industry, education stakeholders, legislators, parents and student leaders in the state. One of my greatest strengths is the ability to bring people together to work toward a goal and objective.

My Work in Education

Presenting as a Candidate:

Idaho and In-Person Learning:

Supporting Students and Families:

Career Technical Education:

Official Announcement:

Cassia School District Work:


I show up and stay engaged.

I find solutions and step in front of issues.

I listen and I am accessible.

I believe state education programs and appropriations need regular review to asses ROI.

I know how to work, how to lead and how students, parents and schools need support.

I will implement and support the laws of Idaho and maintain the intent of policies and code.

I want to create the best opportunities for our children to work and succeed in our Idaho communities.

I will provide the Vision, the Leadership and the Work Ethic to put Idaho students and families first.